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Respecting Tradition

Inspiring Openness

Stimulating Curiosity

Nurturing Individuality

Meet The Team

Working at St. Edmund’s

Founded in 1874 as a boys’ boarding Prep School, St. Edmund's has been co-educational since 2008 and currently has around 550 pupils from Nursery up to Form 11.  

St. Edmund’s is very proud of the unique partnership that exists between staff, pupils and parents. We consider ourselves to be fortunate in having dedicated, enthusiastic, loyal and well-qualified staff in all areas of the school.  

We know from staff and pupils, past and present, that St. Edmund's is a special place. We pride ourselves on a reputation for achieving high academic results whilst seeking to provide an excellent all-round education for our pupils. St. Edmund's School fosters curiosity and the love of learning in its pupils; teachers benefit from a friendly and supportive staff room as well as innovative approaches to teaching and learning. There is a real community feel at St. Edmund's and a sense of an extended family with a welcoming, respectful atmosphere. 

Dr Adam Walliker is Headmaster of the school with Mr Steve Barnes as Deputy Head. They work closely with the Senior Management Team to ensure the smooth and effective running of the school.

In the Nursery, Lower Prep, Prep and Senior School, class teachers are carefully chosen to provide academic, social and emotional support to the children.

Why Join Us?

St. Edmund’s is nestled in 40 acres of rolling Surrey countryside. Perfectly situated next to the A3 and less than 10 mins from Haslemere mainline train station making it easy to commute to.

We have a strong academic and support staff team who work across a wide range of departments such as IT, Finance, People and Organisation, Teaching Support and Estates and who all contribute to the smooth running of the school.

If you are interested in joining our incredible team, then please do look at our current vacancies section. 


Adam Walliker


Dr Adam Walliker joined St. Edmund’s in 2000 from the Dragon School, Oxford, where he and his wife, Emma, ran a house for junior boarders.  He currently teaches GCSE Latin and has previously taught English, Maths, Geography and ICT.  Prior to becoming a teacher, Adam worked in the building and distribution industries.

Adam was a pupil at St Edward’s, Oxford and went on to read Philosophy at Cambridge University. He holds an MBA in Educational Management, a secondary PGCE in Mathematics, and a doctorate from the Faculty of Education at the University of Winchester.  During his career in education Adam has served as a Team Inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), a member of the national Finance Committee of the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS), an Official Subject Reviewer for the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB) and has been a governor at several independent schools.  He is currently Chairman of the Education Committee at Dover College, Kent as well as a Governor and Member of Council. 

More about Dr Walliker…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your teaching subject?

Roman History from 100 BCE to 100 CE.

What are your interests outside of school?

Historical fiction, family, golf and dog-walking.

What is your favourite book and why?

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame which I enjoy for its simple yet complex mythical and spiritual storytelling from a bygone age.  The use of language and the illustrations are charming whilst the characters of Badger, Toad, Ratty and Mole linger long in the memory.  Although some of the book’s messages do not stand up to modern mores, according to A.A. Milne (who wrote Winnie the Pooh) when you read The Wind in the Willows “you are merely sitting in judgement on yourself.”


Steve Barnes

Deputy Head

Mr Barnes is the Deputy Head for the school and also teaches mathematics at St Edmund’s.  Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2017, Mr Barnes was the Deputy Head at The Costello School in Basingstoke for seven years, having previously taught in North Somerset. Mr Barnes was educated at Exeter University where he graduated with an honours degree in Mathematics and Education.

More about Steve…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I enjoy the application of mathematics, so kinematics is a particular area of interest for me. Finance and interest are fascinating too – particularly the power of compound interest.

What are your interests outside of school?

I enjoy time with my family; my wife and I have two wonderful children. I am also a serving Special Constable for Hampshire Constabulary and a licensed pilot of light aircraft. I have been a school governor for a few years now and recently became the Chair of Governors for a school in Fleet, Hampshire. 

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Anywhere up amongst the clouds flying – total freedom and relaxation.

What is your favourite film and why?

One Six Right – a wonderful film about aviation in the modern world.

What is your favourite book and why?

The Dragonlance Chronicles by Weis and Hickman, it reminds me of my youth as it was a book I read many times back then. Classic swords and sorcery story telling!

Julie Beeston


Julie Beeston graduated from the University of Surrey in 1989 with a degree in Linguistics and International Relations and then spent three years working as an Internal Auditor Africa, Russia and Europe. Julie qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1993 and then worked in Angola for a petroleum company before relocating to the South of France to work as a Manager of an American software company. After moving back to the UK, Julie spent the next seven years working as Bursar at a state school before joining St. Edmunds in 2014.

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Buildings! The Auden Centre and the DT building were in progress when I arrived. Since then I have been heavily involved in the development of many new buildings at St. Edmund’s as well as introducing new software.

What are your interests outside of school?

Politics and current affairs, gardening, as well as walking my dog Monty.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

I love to travel and there are still so many places to see. I feel very at home in France though and thoroughly enjoyed living there.

What is your favourite film and why?

I love watching films and reading books but I tend to forget both immediately after so I really cannot say which my favourites are.

What is your favourite book and why?

Same as before!


Hywel Bowen-Perkins

Deputy Head (Prep Pastoral)

Hywel has pastoral responsibility for the Prep School, working closely with his team he ensures pupil welfare is at the forefront of all we do at St Edmund’s. Hywel also teaches PSB History at St Edmund’s to Forms 7 and 8 as well as GCSE History to Forms 9 to 11.

Hywel was educated at Kingswood House Prep School and then at Epsom College.  Upon leaving Epsom College, he studied History of Art at the Southampton Institute, graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in History of Art and Fine Art Valuation.  Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2005, Hywel worked as an auctioneer and valuer for Richmond and Surrey Auctions and Thimbleby and Shoreland Auctions. Hywel left St Edmund’s in 2012 to become Deputy Head at Danesfield Manor School, in Walton on Thames before returning to St Edmund’s in 2014 as Pastoral Deputy of St. Edmund’s Senior School.  In 2019, Hywel took on the role of Deputy Head (Prep Pastoral).

More about Hywel….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I really enjoy teaching, and continuing to learn about the social impact History has had on the world as a whole. For good as well as bad.

What are your interests outside of school?

I am a passionate sailor and I race regularly at Thorney Island Sailing club on the South Coast, I am also a keen kite-surfer.  I love all water sports and am at my happiest with a wetsuit on above or below the water. I also love spending time with my wife and three children, whether it be on the beach, walking our dog ‘Gryff’ or chilling out watching a movie together.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

I am afraid I have two. Dinas Cross in Pembrokeshire and Jersey in the Channel Islands, my family hail from both these places and they will always hold a special place in my heart.

What is your favourite film and why?

I would have to say Young Guns 1 and 2 – fantastic stories, with two different twists on the same period of History. The American Wild West has always fascinated me.

What is your favourite book and why?

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, just a fantastic yarn. I have loved it ever since I first read it as a child.

John Carlin

Deputy Head (Lead DSL ), Director of Digital Learning

John teaches Triple Science to the senior students at St Edmund’s and is a sports match taker for both the prep and senior school.

John graduated from Sheffield University with a degree in Biology and Genetics.  He then worked as a PADI scuba diving instructor and marine biologist on a research station in the Wakatobi National Park in Indonesia studying coral reef conservation. 

On his return to the UK, he completed his PhD in coral genetics and marine conservation at Reading University. He went on to build a successful scuba diving business specialising in training, education and retail, before taking on the role as Marketing Manager for PADI EMEA.

John joined the St. Edmund’s senior science department in 2015.  He has worked as an Assistant Head (Senior Pastoral) as well as Director of Digital Learning. He is now a Deputy Head (Lead DSL).

Today, John continues to share his passion of scuba diving, science and conservation by running the discover scuba diving sessions at St. Edmund’s.

More about John…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Evolution is a fascinating subject in biology as you get to study the amazing complexity of living things on our planet, how they have evolved and how they interact with each other and the environment.

What are your interests outside of school?

Scuba diving and shark conservation, trail running, ultra-marathons and obstacle races, rock climbing and karate.  I am also learning to speak Spanish and have started to learn to play the piano.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Hoga Island in Indonesia for the corals reefs that were teeming with life and colour.

What is your favourite film and why?

The original Matrix film.  I love a good action film and the mind-bending Matrix concept that this all could just be a simulation!

What is your favourite book and why?

‘Homo Deus – A brief history of tomorrow’ by Yuval Noah Harai which explores how the human species will evolve from trying to achieve immortality and creating artificial intelligence.

Simon Hyett

Deputy Head (Senior Academic)

Simon oversees the academic provision of the senior school and the GCSE curriculum, as well as teaching Physics and Triple Science to Forms 9 to 11.   Simon joined St. Edmund’s in 2015 from Horndean Technology College as an experienced Science teacher for what was then, an almost new senior school.  Since then, he has been Head of Senior Science and Assistant Head (Senior Academic) before becoming a Deputy Head in 2021.  Simon completed his Master of Physics at Southampton University and his PGCE at Oxford University.

More about Simon….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Particle Physics and Astrophysics.

What are your interests outside of school?

Warhammer and war-gaming, cricket, board games, PC games, military history.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Warhammer World, the only place where I count as cool.

What is your favourite film and why?

Master and Commander The Far Side of the World, a film adaptation of one of my favourite series of books.

What is your favourite book and why?

QED, the book that pushed me in to studying Physics rather becoming merely a mathematician.  


Steph Richardson

Deputy Head (Staff Welfare), Director of Girls

Steph has been the Director of Girls since September 2021. She is also the Head of Modern Languages, with Spanish being her specialism and she is now also Deputy Head (Staff Welfare)

Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2018, Steph taught at Lord Wandsworth College near Odiham for 18 years, where she was the Head of Spanish and housemistress of a girls’ boarding house. She was educated at the University of Sheffield where she graduated with a BA (Honours) in Spanish, French and Portuguese. After a year working in central London at the Adjudicator’s Office she then studied for her PGCE at Kings’ College, London.

More about Steph…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Spanish cinema, particularly the Director, Almodóvar.

What are your interests outside of school?

Film, reading and music.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Reunion island in the Indian Ocean, where I spent half of my year abroad at university.

What is your favourite film and why?

Top Gun – because….Tom Cruise!

What is your favourite book and why?

I read so many books it’s hard to say but I really enjoy crime novels, particularly the recent books by Richard Osman.

Nick Roberts

Deputy Head (Curriculum)

Nick Roberts is Deputy Head (Curriculum) and Housemaster. He was educated at Newcastle University and graduated with a First Class (BA) Hons in 2009, an MA with Distinction in 2010 and a PhD in 2014. He completed his PGCE with QTS in 2016.

Nick was Assistant Head (Senior Academic) and Head of the MFL department for five years here at St. Edmund’s before becoming Head of Sark School in the Channel Islands, during which time he was shortlisted for a TES Award. Nick re-joined St. Edmund’s in September 2021 and teaches Latin and maths in the Prep School. 

More about Nick…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I originally came to St Edmund’s as a French teacher. In school, I always thought that studying a foreign language meant focussing solely on literature but that’s far from the case. I have a particular interest in sociolinguistics and how we can statistically model language variation. Prior to my career in teaching, I was fortunate to work on a number of research projects which looked at this, and language variation and change is still something I find fascinating.

What are your interests outside of school?

In my free time, I like to open water swim all year round, even breaking the ice when it’s freezing cold! I swim early in the mornings which means I have more time for my biggest interest outside of school - spending time with my wife, little boy and our dog, Sid. I like completing ultramarathons to raise money for charitable causes, though these don’t exactly lend themselves well to quality family time! A few years ago, I ran 97 miles along the South Downs Way and in 2021 ran 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours straight.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

An easy one. Sark in the Channel Islands. We were there on our honeymoon, it’s where our son was born and we still visit every year.

What is your favourite film and why?

Another easy one. It’s a French film Les Choristes. I remember going to the cinema to see it when I was studying for my A-Levels, and it’s one of the few films I will watch again and again and again. 

What is your favourite book and why?

My favourite book has to be the one that I am reading at the moment.

Richard Taylor

Deputy Head (Prep Academic)

Richard teaches history at St Edmund’s and is a coach for senior sport; rugby and cricket.

Richard graduated from the West London Institute (Brunel University) with a BEd Hons degree and prior to joining St Edmund’s in 1999, Richard taught at the Banda School in Nairobi for 12 years.  In 2005 he took up the role of Headmaster of Stoke Brunswick School in West Sussex, before moving to teach at Hurst and then returning to St Edmunds in 2010.  In his youth, Richard played rugby for both Rosslyn Park and Richmond and during that time represented England at various different levels including being invited to train with the full England squad in 1986. Upon moving to Nairobi, Richard also played for Kenya, and subsequently went on to coach the national team. His final representative game in England was playing in an International XV versus France for Rory Underwood`s testimonial.

More about Richard…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I enjoy all aspects of history, but I am particularly passionate about the First World War.

What are your interests outside of school?

I enjoy collecting pieces of militaria to add to my collection. I also enjoy water sports such as fishing, deep see fishing, kayaking and paddle boarding. Hiking and camping also play a role in my life as well as spending time on our family allotment.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Our home in the South Hams, Devon, which is located right next to the river Avon and only a short distance to some of the most stunning beaches in the UK. It is also only a few miles to the beautiful Dartmoor National Park. I also need to include Kenya, having spent 12 years there, where I met my wife and we had our four children.

What is your favourite film and why?

Too many to choose from!

What is your favourite book and why?

So many good books, but Daphne du Maurier`s “Jamaica Inn” and David Niven`s “The Moons a Balloon” are two contrasting and enjoyable reads.

Jess Weetman

Deputy Head (Senior Pastoral)

Having graduated with Honours from the University of Nottingham and gaining an MMus from Goldsmiths University of London, Jess began her teaching career in the state sector. During her 10 years there, the school choir sang with some world renowned musicians and composers including the BBC Singers and were also featured on the DreamWorks film, Home. Later, Jess taught at a local prep school, before joining St. Edmund’s in 2019. She now teaches from EYFS through to the Senior School and is also a DSL and Deputy Head (Senior Pastoral).

More about Jess…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I am fortunate enough to teach a subject I have always loved, and I hope this comes across in my teaching! I enjoy being an active musician and love, where possible, to compose music for the students of St. Edmund’s.

What are your interests outside of school?

I absolutely adore flowers and love doing floristry courses. I also enjoy jewellery making, calligraphy, running, travelling, supporting Arsenal and (if I’m really honest) shoe shopping!

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

London will always be my home and despite being fortunate enough to travel widely, I always gravitate towards it whenever possible.

What is your favourite film and why?

That’s a tough question – it’s hard for me to choose a film, but I love the Peaky Blinders series.

What is your favourite book and why?

I will always have the most wonderful memories of reading The Gruffalo to my daughter.

Karen Bailey

Head of EYFS - Nursery & Reception

Karen Bailey is Head of Early Years at St Edmund’s, overseeing our Nursery and Reception classes. Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2016, Mrs Bailey managed another day nursery for nine years. She has also worked overseas across a period of eight years in various roles for travel companies and was also an assessor and tutor in Early Years education.

Originally from Southampton, she has lived in Haslemere for over 20 years. Travel has always been a passion and she has visited and worked in lots of lovely places all over the world.


More about Karen….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I really enjoy promoting a fun learning environment for our youngest children, with a particular interest in outdoor learning.

What are your interests outside of school?

I have two children that keep me very busy. As a huge fan of Strictly Come Dancing, I have recently started to learn Ballroom and Latin dancing – which I am really enjoying! I love listening to all types of music, but I am a big Beatles and 60’s music fan.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

A tough choice between Australia and Canada as they are both amazing places to visit. I think maybe the white beaches of northern Australia would be the favourite….or maybe the Rocky mountains….

What is your favourite film and why?

Forrest Gump. I have watched it so many times I can recite word for word some of the scenes!

What is your favourite book and why?

I am a huge fan of reading all types of books…..but among the favourites has to be the Harry Potter stories.

Adrian Adams

Head of PSHE, Form 3 Teacher

Sarah Adkin


Louise Bampton

Head of Maths

Jason Batten

Head of IT

Ben Bellak

Head of English

Clare Berry

Classics, History, Religious Studies

Classics, History, RS

Abi Chichester

French, Spanish

French - maternity leave

Georgie Da Silva


Jen Darrington

Drama & LAMDA

Keeley Darrington

Geography, History, Maths

Tom Darrington

Head of Drama

Danielle Drinkwater

Art, Design Technology, Food Technology

Janos Fabian

Director of Music

Director of Music

Lewis Hall

Sport Science

David Harding

Head of Computer Science

Peter Harnden

Head of Design Technology

Rob Heanley

History, Sport

Sally Hodgkins


Carmen Lau


Sarah Le Guyader

Assistant Head (Senior Girls), English, Charities Coordinator

Anna Lobbenberg

English, Geography

Katie Lyall

Assistant Head (Form 6) English, History, Maths

Charmaine Messina

Religious Studies

Elmarie Messina


Peter Messina

Assistant Head (Form 7) Geography


Alison Miller

Head of Art

Megan Morrissey

MFL 2nd In Department, French

Kayleigh Newens

Assistant Head (Academic), Head of Geography


Katy Newton


Brodie Pearmaine


Sophie Penfold

Assistant Head of Girls (Forms 5 & 6)


Annabelle Ponting


Johanna Record

Deputy Head of English (Prep), Form 4 Teacher, English, Religious Studies

Steph Richardson

Deputy Head (Staff Welfare), Director of Girls, Head of MFL

Steph has been the Director of Girls since September 2021. She is also the Head of Modern Languages, with Spanish being her specialism as well as Deputy Head (Staff Welfare).

Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2018, Steph taught at Lord Wandsworth College near Odiham for 18 years, where she was the Head of Spanish and housemistress of a girls’ boarding house. She was educated at the University of Sheffield where she graduated with a BA (Honours) in Spanish, French and Portuguese. After a year working in central London at the Adjudicator’s Office she then studied for her PGCE at Kings’ College, London.

More about Steph…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Spanish cinema, particularly the Director, Almodóvar.

What are your interests outside of school?

Film, reading and music.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Reunion island in the Indian Ocean, where I spent half of my year abroad at university.

What is your favourite film and why?

Top Gun – because….Tom Cruise!

What is your favourite book and why?

I read so many books it’s hard to say but I really enjoy crime novels, particularly the recent books by Richard Osman.

Cathy Roberts

Classical Civilisation, Maths, Religious Studies

Nick Roberts

Deputy Head (Curriculum), Maths

Nick Roberts is Deputy Head (Curriculum) and Housemaster. He was educated at Newcastle University and graduated with a First Class (BA) Hons in 2009, an MA with Distinction in 2010 and a PhD in 2014. He completed his PGCE with QTS in 2016.

Nick was Assistant Head (Senior Academic) and Head of the MFL department for five years here at St. Edmund’s before becoming Head of Sark School in the Channel Islands, during which time he was shortlisted for a TES Award. Nick re-joined St. Edmund’s in September 2021 and teaches Latin and maths in the Prep School. 

More about Nick…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I originally came to St Edmund’s as a French teacher. In school, I always thought that studying a foreign language meant focussing solely on literature but that’s far from the case. I have a particular interest in sociolinguistics and how we can statistically model language variation. Prior to my career in teaching, I was fortunate to work on a number of research projects which looked at this, and language variation and change is still something I find fascinating.

What are your interests outside of school?

In my free time, I like to open water swim all year round, even breaking the ice when it’s freezing cold! I swim early in the mornings which means I have more time for my biggest interest outside of school - spending time with my wife, little boy and our dog, Sid. I like completing ultramarathons to raise money for charitable causes, though these don’t exactly lend themselves well to quality family time! A few years ago, I ran 97 miles along the South Downs Way and in 2021 ran 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours straight.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

An easy one. Sark in the Channel Islands. We were there on our honeymoon, it’s where our son was born and we still visit every year.

What is your favourite film and why?

Another easy one. It’s a French film Les Choristes. I remember going to the cinema to see it when I was studying for my A-Levels, and it’s one of the few films I will watch again and again and again. 

What is your favourite book and why?

My favourite book has to be the one that I am reading at the moment.

Rufaro Sikipa


Georgie Treacy


Matt Tye

RS, Science

Sophie Tuhill

Head of Food Technology

Food Technology

Ingrid van Oudtshoorn

English, Geography, History

Shaun van Oudtshoorn

Assistant Head (Form 5), Head of Prep School Science

Fiona Vassallo

English, Maths, Assistant Head Academic Support, Charities Coordinator

Jess Weetman

Deputy Head (Senior Pastoral), Music


Andrew Wilkinson

French, Spanish

Sarah Adkin


David Amor

Head of Senior Science, Chemistry

Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Louise Bampton

Head of Maths

Steve Barnes

Deputy Head, Maths

Mr Barnes is the Deputy Head for the school and also teaches mathematics at St Edmund’s.  Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2017, Mr Barnes was the Deputy Head at The Costello School in Basingstoke for seven years, having previously taught in North Somerset. Mr Barnes was educated at Exeter University where he graduated with an honours degree in Mathematics and Education.

More about Steve…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I enjoy the application of mathematics, so kinematics is a particular area of interest for me. Finance and interest are fascinating too – particularly the power of compound interest.

What are your interests outside of school?

I enjoy time with my family; my wife and I have two wonderful children. I am also a serving Special Constable for Hampshire Constabulary and a licensed pilot of light aircraft. I have been a school governor for a few years now and recently became the Chair of Governors for a school in Fleet, Hampshire. 

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Anywhere up amongst the clouds flying – total freedom and relaxation.

What is your favourite film and why?

One Six Right – a wonderful film about aviation in the modern world.

What is your favourite book and why?

The Dragonlance Chronicles by Weis and Hickman, it reminds me of my youth as it was a book I read many times back then. Classic swords and sorcery story telling!

Ben Bellak

Head of English

Hywel Bowen-Perkins

Deputy Head (Prep Pastoral), History

Hywel has pastoral responsibility for the Prep School, working closely with his team he ensures pupil welfare is at the forefront of all we do at St Edmund’s. Hywel also teaches PSB History at St Edmund’s to Forms 7 and 8 as well as GCSE History to Forms 9 to 11.

Hywel was educated at Kingswood House Prep School and then at Epsom College.  Upon leaving Epsom College, he studied History of Art at the Southampton Institute, graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in History of Art and Fine Art Valuation.  Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2005, Hywel worked as an auctioneer and valuer for Richmond and Surrey Auctions and Thimbleby and Shoreland Auctions. Hywel left St Edmund’s in 2012 to become Deputy Head at Danesfield Manor School, in Walton on Thames before returning to St Edmund’s in 2014 as Pastoral Deputy of St. Edmund’s Senior School.  In 2019, Hywel took on the role of Deputy Head (Prep Pastoral).

More about Hywel….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I really enjoy teaching, and continuing to learn about the social impact History has had on the world as a whole. For good as well as bad.

What are your interests outside of school?

I am a passionate sailor and I race regularly at Thorney Island Sailing club on the South Coast, I am also a keen kite-surfer.  I love all water sports and am at my happiest with a wetsuit on above or below the water. I also love spending time with my wife and three children, whether it be on the beach, walking our dog ‘Gryff’ or chilling out watching a movie together.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

I am afraid I have two. Dinas Cross in Pembrokeshire and Jersey in the Channel Islands, my family hail from both these places and they will always hold a special place in my heart.

What is your favourite film and why?

I would have to say Young Guns 1 and 2 – fantastic stories, with two different twists on the same period of History. The American Wild West has always fascinated me.

What is your favourite book and why?

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, just a fantastic yarn. I have loved it ever since I first read it as a child.

John Carlin

Deputy Head (Lead DSL, Director of Digital Learning, Biology

Abi Chichester

French, Spanish

Peter Chichester

Head of Form 8, Head of Religious Studies

Religious Studies

Jen Darrington



Tom Darrington

Head of Drama


Kim Drummond

Head of Classics

Janos Fabian

Director of Music


Katherine Griggs


Lewis Hall

Sport Science

David Harding

Head of Computer Science

Peter Harnden

Head of Design Technology


Sally Hodgkins



Simon Hyett

Deputy Head (Senior Academic), Physics

Simon oversees the academic provision of the senior school and the GCSE curriculum, as well as teaching Physics and Triple Science to Forms 9 to 11.   Simon joined St. Edmund’s in 2015 from Horndean Technology College as an experienced Science teacher for what was then, an almost new senior school.  Since then, he has been Head of Senior Science and Assistant Head (Senior Academic) before becoming a Deputy Head in 2021.  Simon completed his Master of Physics at Southampton University and his PGCE at Oxford University.

More about Simon….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Particle Physics and Astrophysics.

What are your interests outside of school?

Warhammer and war-gaming, cricket, board games, PC games, military history.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Warhammer World, the only place where I count as cool.

What is your favourite film and why?

Master and Commander The Far Side of the World, a film adaptation of one of my favourite series of books.

What is your favourite book and why?

QED, the book that pushed me in to studying Physics rather becoming merely a mathematician.  


Carmen Lau



Sarah Le Guyader

Assistant Head (Senior Girls), English, Charities Coordinator

Anna Lobbenberg



Elmarie Messina


Alison Miller

Head of Art


Megan Morrissey

MFL 2nd In Department, French

Kayleigh Newens

Assistant Head (Academic), Head of Geography


Katy Newton



Brodie Pearmaine



Sophie Penfold

Assistant Head of Girls (Forms 5 & 6), French


Mel Bellamy

Nursery Deputy

Sam Brice


Laura Butchart

Sports Coach

Debra Cozens

Reception Teacher


Tatiana Escobar


Laverne Gurney


Jodie Hammond


Sarah Hatherley


Lauren Naylor


Lindsay Olsen

Reception Teaching Assistant

Jess Weetman

Deputy Head (Senior Pastoral), Music

Andrew Wilkinson


Shona Anelay

Form 1 Teacher

Form 1

Jason Batten

Head of IT

Justin Church

Assistant Head Lower Prep School, Form 3 Teacher

Form 3

Danielle Drinkwater

Art, Food Technology

Janos Fabian

Director of Music

Charmaine Messina

Form 2 Teacher, Geography, History, Science

Hayley Petrella

Teaching Assistant

Johanna Record

Deputy Head of English (Lower Prep), Form 4 Teacher, English, Religious Studies

Form 4

Cathy Roberts

Geography, History

Sam Shackleford

Form 2 Teacher

Form 2

Kathryn Taylor

Assistant Head Lower Prep School, Form 4 Teacher

Sophie Tuhill

Head of Food Technology

Food Technology

Robert Walliker

Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant

Jess Weetman

Deputy Head (Senior Pastoral), Music


Jessica Dawson

Marketing Manager

Jess joined St. Edmund’s in 2022 from Barfield School where she was Head of Marketing and managed the delivery and implementation of the school’s new brand identity.

Jess is a Marketing professional with nearly 20 years of broad experience in strategic marketing and tactical implementation across all marketing disciplines.  She has specialised in marketing in the education sector, working for a range of brands from innocent, 20th Century Fox to Lloyds TSB and Garnier Ambre Solaire on their education and engagement programmes. Jess has worked with a broad spectrum of businesses, across multiple brands, both agency and client side.

Jess holds a 2:1 BA Honours Degree in Marketing Management and Geography and has recently completed a 'Strategic Social Media Management' course which led to Jess setting up her own social media consultancy.


More about Jess…

What are your interests outside of school?

I love the great outdoors and enjoy mountain biking, walking and playing tennis whenever I get the opportunity.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

I love rural France and the French culture. I enjoy exploring French brocantes and markets with my family and the slower pace of life with no mobile signal (for a short period of time anyway!)


What is your favourite film and why?

My favourite film has to be the cheesy Tom Cruise 80’s film ‘Cocktail.’


What is your favourite book and why?

I’ve always loved the book the ‘Weeping and the Laughter’ by Noel Barber. I love learning about different cultures and it’s a real eye-opener into understanding the horrors of the Russian revolution.

Clare Smith

Admissions & Marketing Assistant

Annabella Toms


Annabella worked at British Airways for 25 years as a Senior Cabin Crew member, as well as a Customer Service and Safety Trainer. Annabella was part of the recruitment team and special fleet that looked after VIP’s which included Prime Ministers and members of royal families from all over the world. As a result of Covid, Annabella had a career change and worked as Admissions Manager at LVS Ascot where she gained experience working in the independent school sector before joining St. Edmunds as Registrar in September 2021.

More about Annabella…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I have a real passion for delivering excellent customer service and meeting new parents. My favourite part of my role is seeing a child flourish and thrive at St. Edmunds.

What are your interests outside of school?

Yoga, reading, spending time with my family as well as going running with my dog Bradley.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

The Arctic Circle is incredible. I went there for my husband’s 40th birthday and saw polar bears in their natural habitat.

What is your favourite film and why?

I love watching Comedies and Period Dramas…….too many good ones to choose a particular favourite!

What is your favourite book and why?

Definitely Pride and Prejudice - it’s a British classic!

Emma Walliker

Admissions & Marketing

Katie Anderson

Teaching Assistant

Anne-Marie Burke

Head of Academic Support

Anne-Marie Burke has been Head of Academic Support at St Edmund’s for 14 years.  She graduated from London University with a BSc (Hons) Biology from London University. She completed her PGCE at Kingston Primary School and then began her career at South Hampstead High School teaching across Key Stages 1 & 2. Anne-Marie completed her Specific Learning Difficulties qualification at the Hornsby Centre in London (Cert SpLD) and after having children, she worked as a private tutor and peripatetic teacher working with children with dyslexia and pupils with other neurodiverse challenges. Anne-Marie is also qualified to assess for access arrangement and write diagnostic specialist teacher reports for dyslexia (PAPAA and PPAR)


More about Anne-Marie….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

My interest is looking at the child as a whole, not just the academic profile. No two children’s challenges are the same and we must always focus on the individual.

What are your interests outside of school?

Travelling, walking and going to the theatre.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Wherever my family are.

What is your favourite film and why?

The Sound of Music- it reminds of Christmas as a child.

What is your favourite book and why?

The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier? It was read to me at school!

Emma Chandler

Teaching Assistant

Emma Chaplin

HLTA ELSA Teaching Assistant

Catherine Griffin

Teaching Assistant

Emma Kidd-Scott

Teaching Assistant

Suz Lambert

Teaching Assistant

Elmarie Messina

English, Academic Support

Corrinne O'Shea

ELSA Teaching Assistant

John Spencely

Teaching Assistant

Sian Taylor

ELSA Teaching Assistant

Fiona Vassallo

English, Maths, Assistant Head Academic Support, Charities Coordinator

Kelly Inward

Science Technician


Lesley King

School Administrator

Camilla O'Hare

Stage Manager, Music & LAMDA Coordinator

Mo Rizzi

Art Technician

Cathy Roberts

Boarding House Parent

Eli Sapper

Cover Supervisor

Nikki Smart

Exams Officer


Ben Vautier

Food Technology Technician

Sam Wassell

School Secretary

Front Office

Julie Willcox

Headmaster's PA

Shelley Williams

Office Assistant

Annabelle Ponting


Steph Richardson

Deputy Head (Staff Welfare), Director of Girls, Head of MFL

Steph has been the Director of Girls since September 2021. She is also the Head of Modern Languages, with Spanish being her specialism as well as Deputy Head (Staff Welfare).

Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2018, Steph taught at Lord Wandsworth College near Odiham for 18 years, where she was the Head of Spanish and housemistress of a girls’ boarding house. She was educated at the University of Sheffield where she graduated with a BA (Honours) in Spanish, French and Portuguese. After a year working in central London at the Adjudicator’s Office she then studied for her PGCE at Kings’ College, London.

More about Steph…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Spanish cinema, particularly the Director, Almodóvar.

What are your interests outside of school?

Film, reading and music.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Reunion island in the Indian Ocean, where I spent half of my year abroad at university.

What is your favourite film and why?

Top Gun – because….Tom Cruise!

What is your favourite book and why?

I read so many books it’s hard to say but I really enjoy crime novels, particularly the recent books by Richard Osman.

Thuy Roberts

Biology, Chemistry

Rufaro Sikipa

Biology, Physics, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator

Verity Stoneman-Boorn

Director of Sport, Sport Science

Richard Taylor

Deputy Head (Prep Academic), Head of History

Richard teaches history at St Edmund’s and is a coach for senior sport; rugby and cricket.

Richard graduated from the West London Institute (Brunel University) with a BEd Hons degree and prior to joining St Edmund’s in 1999, Richard taught at the Banda School in Nairobi for 12 years.  In 2005 he took up the role of Headmaster of Stoke Brunswick School in West Sussex, before moving to teach at Hurst and then returning to St Edmunds in 2010.  In his youth, Richard played rugby for both Rosslyn Park and Richmond and during that time represented England at various different levels including being invited to train with the full England squad in 1986. Upon moving to Nairobi, Richard also played for Kenya, and subsequently went on to coach the national team. His final representative game in England was playing in an International XV versus France for Rory Underwood`s testimonial.

More about Richard…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I enjoy all aspects of history, but I am particularly passionate about the First World War.

What are your interests outside of school?

I enjoy collecting pieces of militaria to add to my collection. I also enjoy water sports such as fishing, deep see fishing, kayaking and paddle boarding. Hiking and camping also play a role in my life as well as spending time on our family allotment.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Our home in the South Hams, Devon, which is located right next to the river Avon and only a short distance to some of the most stunning beaches in the UK. It is also only a few miles to the beautiful Dartmoor National Park. I also need to include Kenya, having spent 12 years there, where I met my wife and we had our four children.

What is your favourite film and why?

Too many to choose from!

What is your favourite book and why?

So many good books, but Daphne du Maurier`s “Jamaica Inn” and David Niven`s “The Moons a Balloon” are two contrasting and enjoyable reads.

Sophie Tuhill

Head of Food Technology

Jess Weetman

Deputy Head (Senior Pastoral), Music

Andrew Wilkinson


Sam Woodger

Assistant Head (Senior Pastoral), Physical Education, Sport Science

Laura Butchart

Sports Coach

Jonjo Conway

Sports Coach

Amanda Cowle

Sports Coach

Kitty Eichhorn

Sports Coach

Zach Evans


Claire Gower

Sports Coach

Lewis Hall

Assistant Director of Sport, Sport Science

Rob Heanley

Sports Coach

Michaela Lewis

Sports Coach

Rachel Morton


Patricia O'Donnell

Sports Coach

Jo Roberts

Sports Coach

Verity Stoneman-Boorn

Director of Sport, Sport Science

Matt Tye


Sam Woodger

Assistant Head (Senior Pastoral), Physical Education, Sport Science

Julie Beeston


Julie Beeston graduated from the University of Surrey in 1989 with a degree in Linguistics and International Relations and then spent three years working as an Internal Auditor Africa, Russia and Europe. Julie qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1993 and then worked in Angola for a petroleum company before relocating to the South of France to work as a Manager of an American software company. After moving back to the UK, Julie spent the next seven years working as Bursar at a state school before joining St. Edmunds in 2014.

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Buildings! The Auden Centre and the DT building were in progress when I arrived. Since then I have been heavily involved in the development of many new buildings at St. Edmund’s as well as introducing new software.


What are your interests outside of school?

Politics and current affairs, gardening, as well as walking my dog Monty.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

I love to travel and there are still so many places to see. I feel very at home in France though and thoroughly enjoyed living there.


What is your favourite film and why?

I love watching films and reading books but I tend to forget both immediately after so I really cannot say which my favourites are.

What is your favourite book and why?

Same as before!

Julie Beeston graduated from the University of Surrey in 1989 with a degree in Linguistics and International Relations and then spent three years working as an Internal Auditor Africa, Russia and Europe. Julie qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1993 and then worked in Angola for a petroleum company before relocating to the South of France to work as a Manager of an American software company. After moving back to the UK, Julie spent the next seven years working as Bursar at a state school before joining St. Edmunds in 2014.

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Buildings! The Auden Centre and the DT building were in progress when I arrived. Since then I have been heavily involved in the development of many new buildings at St. Edmund’s as well as introducing new software.

What are your interests outside of school?

Politics and current affairs, gardening, as well as walking my dog Monty.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

I love to travel and there are still so many places to see. I feel very at home in France though and thoroughly enjoyed living there.

What is your favourite film and why?

I love watching films and reading books but I tend to forget both immediately after so I really cannot say which my favourites are.

What is your favourite book and why?

Same as before!

Sue Bowers


Jill Boyd


Eunice Danes

Management Accountant

Tanya Neilan

Purchase Ledger

Phil Burt

Estates Assistant

Jeremy Hassell

Estates Manager

Ben Haworth

Estates Assistant

Joe Hawtin

Estates Assistant

Steven Hooper


Greg Jackson

Estates Assistant

John Lane

Estates Assistant

Louise Peddie

Head of Housekeeping

Alex Scarborough

Estates Assistant

Erin Scarborough

Estates Assistant and Minibus Driver

Paul Slade

Estates Assistant & Minibus Driver

Mark Van Lokven

Estates Assistant

Sheron Elston

Healthcare Assistant

Jules Johnston

Nurse, DSL

Sophie Moxey

Lead Nurse, DSL

Karen Bailey

Head of EYFS - Nursery & Reception

Karen Bailey is Head of Early Years at St Edmund’s, overseeing our Nursery and Reception classes. Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2016, Mrs Bailey managed another day nursery for nine years. She has also worked overseas across a period of eight years in various roles for travel companies and was also an assessor and tutor in Early Years education.

Originally from Southampton, she has lived in Haslemere for over 20 years. Travel has always been a passion and she has visited and worked in lots of lovely places all over the world.

More about Karen….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I really enjoy promoting a fun learning environment for our youngest children, with a particular interest in outdoor learning.

What are your interests outside of school?

I have two children that keep me very busy. As a huge fan of Strictly Come Dancing, I have recently started to learn Ballroom and Latin dancing – which I am really enjoying! I love listening to all types of music, but I am a big Beatles and 60’s music fan.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

A tough choice between Australia and Canada as they are both amazing places to visit. I think maybe the white beaches of northern Australia would be the favourite….or maybe the Rocky mountains….

What is your favourite film and why?

Forrest Gump. I have watched it so many times I can recite word for word some of the scenes!

What is your favourite book and why?

I am a huge fan of reading all types of books…..but among the favourites has to be the Harry Potter stories.

Steve Barnes

Deputy Head

Mr Barnes is the Deputy Head for the school and also teaches mathematics at St Edmund’s.  Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2017, Mr Barnes was the Deputy Head at The Costello School in Basingstoke for seven years, having previously taught in North Somerset. Mr Barnes was educated at Exeter University where he graduated with an honours degree in Mathematics and Education.

More about Steve…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I enjoy the application of mathematics, so kinematics is a particular area of interest for me. Finance and interest are fascinating too – particularly the power of compound interest.

What are your interests outside of school?

I enjoy time with my family; my wife and I have two wonderful children. I am also a serving Special Constable for Hampshire Constabulary and a licensed pilot of light aircraft. I have been a school governor for a few years now and recently became the Chair of Governors for a school in Fleet, Hampshire. 

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Anywhere up amongst the clouds flying – total freedom and relaxation.

What is your favourite film and why?

One Six Right – a wonderful film about aviation in the modern world.

What is your favourite book and why?

The Dragonlance Chronicles by Weis and Hickman, it reminds me of my youth as it was a book I read many times back then. Classic swords and sorcery story telling!

Mel Bellamy

Deputy EYFS

Hywel Bowen-Perkins

Deputy Head (Prep Pastoral)

Hywel has pastoral responsibility for the Prep School, working closely with his team he ensures pupil welfare is at the forefront of all we do at St Edmund’s. Hywel also teaches PSB History at St Edmund’s to Forms 7 and 8 as well as GCSE History to Forms 9 to 11.

Hywel was educated at Kingswood House Prep School and then at Epsom College.  Upon leaving Epsom College, he studied History of Art at the Southampton Institute, graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in History of Art and Fine Art Valuation.  Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2005, Hywel worked as an auctioneer and valuer for Richmond and Surrey Auctions and Thimbleby and Shoreland Auctions. Hywel left St Edmund’s in 2012 to become Deputy Head at Danesfield Manor School, in Walton on Thames before returning to St Edmund’s in 2014 as Pastoral Deputy of St. Edmund’s Senior School.  In 2019, Hywel took on the role of Deputy Head (Prep Pastoral).

More about Hywel….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

I really enjoy teaching, and continuing to learn about the social impact History has had on the world as a whole. For good as well as bad.

What are your interests outside of school?

I am a passionate sailor and I race regularly at Thorney Island Sailing club on the South Coast, I am also a keen kite-surfer.  I love all water sports and am at my happiest with a wetsuit on above or below the water. I also love spending time with my wife and three children, whether it be on the beach, walking our dog ‘Gryff’ or chilling out watching a movie together.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

I am afraid I have two. Dinas Cross in Pembrokeshire and Jersey in the Channel Islands, my family hail from both these places and they will always hold a special place in my heart.

What is your favourite film and why?

I would have to say Young Guns 1 and 2 – fantastic stories, with two different twists on the same period of History. The American Wild West has always fascinated me.

What is your favourite book and why?

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, just a fantastic yarn. I have loved it ever since I first read it as a child.

Anne-Marie Burke

Head of Academic Support

Anne-Marie Burke has been Head of Academic Support at St Edmund’s for 14 years.  She graduated from London University with a BSc (Hons) Biology from London University. She completed her PGCE at Kingston Primary School and then began her career at South Hampstead High School teaching across Key Stages 1 & 2. Anne-Marie completed her Specific Learning Difficulties qualification at the Hornsby Centre in London (Cert SpLD) and after having children, she worked as a private tutor and peripatetic teacher working with children with dyslexia and pupils with other neurodiverse challenges. Anne-Marie is also qualified to assess for access arrangement and write diagnostic specialist teacher reports for dyslexia (PAPAA and PPAR)

More about Anne-Marie….

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

My interest is looking at the child as a whole, not just the academic profile. No two children’s challenges are the same and we must always focus on the individual.

What are your interests outside of school?

Travelling, walking and going to the theatre.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Wherever my family are.

What is your favourite film and why?

The Sound of Music- it reminds of Christmas as a child.

What is your favourite book and why?

The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier? It was read to me at school!

John Carlin

Deputy Head (Lead DSL ), Director of Digital Learning

Jules Johnston

Nurse, DSL

Sophie Moxey

Head Nurse, DSL

Steph Richardson

Deputy Head (Staff Welfare), Director of Girls

Steph has been the Director of Girls since September 2021. She is also the Head of Modern Languages, with Spanish being her specialism as well as Deputy Head (Staff Welfare).

Prior to joining St Edmund’s in 2018, Steph taught at Lord Wandsworth College near Odiham for 18 years, where she was the Head of Spanish and housemistress of a girls’ boarding house. She was educated at the University of Sheffield where she graduated with a BA (Honours) in Spanish, French and Portuguese. After a year working in central London at the Adjudicator’s Office she then studied for her PGCE at Kings’ College, London.

More about Steph…

Do you have a particular area of interest in your subject?

Spanish cinema, particularly the Director, Almodóvar.

What are your interests outside of school?

Film, reading and music.

What is your favourite place on earth and why?

Reunion island in the Indian Ocean, where I spent half of my year abroad at university.

What is your favourite film and why?

Top Gun – because….Tom Cruise!

What is your favourite book and why?

I read so many books it’s hard to say but I really enjoy crime novels, particularly the recent books by Richard Osman.

Jess Weetman

Deputy Head (Senior Pastoral)

Toby Wright

OSE Liaison