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Respecting Tradition

Inspiring Openness

Stimulating Curiosity

Nurturing Individuality

Open Mornings & Events

The best way to experience and understand what makes St. Edmund's so special is to visit us in person. 

We hold both Open Mornings and personal visits throughout the year which provide an opportunity to meet our Headmaster, see the School ‘in action’ and gain an overview of what St. Edmund's has to offer.

If you are interested in visiting the School or attending an Open Morning or event, please complete the form below. Alternatively please contact Emma Walliker on for further information.

Our upcoming Open Mornings and events are:

Saturday 17th May 2025 - Whole School Open Morning 10.00am - 12.00pm (arrival from 09.30am)

Saturday 4th October 2025 - Whole School Open Morning 10.00am - 12.00pm (arrival from 09.30am)

Saturday 7th February 2026 - Whole School Open Morning 10.00am - 12.00pm (arrival from 09.30am)

Form 7 (11+) Entry 2026 - For more information on these events and how to register click HERE

Child Name and Details

2nd & 3rd Child Name and Details (if applicable)

Entry Details

Which entry form(s) are you interested in?*
Proposed year(s) of entry?*

Parent/Guardian Details

Visit St. Edmund's School*