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Classical Civilisation

Study of GCSE Classical Civilisation begins in Form 9 using the OCR syllabus. This rich and varied GCSE encompasses consideration of the ancient gods and goddesses; the role of the hero in ancient myths; religion and festivals; the concept and depiction of power; the Battles of Thermopylae, Salamis and Actium; sculpture; archaeology; and ancient writers: Homer and Tyrtaeus (Greece) and Horace and Virgil (Rome). Many of our pupils go on to study Classical Civilisation or Ancient History at A-Level, with several taking the subject on to degree level.

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Throughout their time studying Classical Civilisation at St Edmund’s, pupils enjoy a range of extension opportunities outside of the classroom, from trips to Rome or Athens, to a day spent in the British Museum, as well as subject taster days.  In addition, during Forms 10 and 11, Saturday morning academic workshops and an evening Classics Clinic are available.  

For more information on the GCSE syllabus we follow please view our most up-to-date GCSE Options booklet HERE