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Respecting Tradition

Inspiring Openness

Stimulating Curiosity

Nurturing Individuality


There is no doubt that St. Edmund's has an outstanding reputation in music. The vast majority of children play an instrument and/or sing in one of the five choirs and the department benefits from an extremely strong complement of teachers. 

Senior students can enhance their music knowledge with further studies in our GCSE Edexcel Music Course. The course provides an engaging range of set-works to nurture an in-depth musical understanding, composition skills and performance skills. We provide high-quality support to all GCSE music students, every step of the way.

During the academic year music students participate in music galas in our Farley Hall, concerts in our chapel, church services, scholarship concerts, nativities, music showcases, performing arts productions and themed concerts. We also celebrate our performers with a biographical display of our Young Musicians of the Month from our Lower Prep, Prep and Senior schools.

Our choirs, ensembles and extra- curricular activities include:

  • Orchestra
  • Voces Volantes Boys' Choir
  • St Ed's Girls' Choir
  • Rock Band
  • Instrumental and Vocal Tuition
  • School Production